USA - Field Pea Seeding Progress (per cent planted) Seeding Progress This Week Last Week Last Year Average Idaho 16 9 1 15 Montana 0 0 0 0 N Dakota 0 0 0 0 Oregon 60 44 13 40 Washington 1 0 2 12 United States 1 0 0 1 Acres 5,260 2,940 1,003 8,206
USA - Implied Field Pea Area Sown (acres) Seeding Progress This Week Last Week Last Year Average Idaho 2,880 1,620 190 4,350 Montana 0 0 0 0 N Dakota 0 0 0 0 Oregon 1,800 1,320 533 1,384 Washington 580 0 280 2,472 United States 5,260 2,940 1,003 8,206 BASED on state crop reports.
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