WASHINGTON - Mar 28/24 - SNS -- American producers intend to harvest 51.6 million acres of all hay in 2024, down 2% from 2023, according to the USDA's seeding intentions report.
Record low all hay harvested area is expected in Delaware and a record high is expected in Florida.
All Hay Area Harvested - States and United States: 2022-2024 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Area harvested State :------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2022 : 2023 : 2024 1/ : Percent of : : : : previous year ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : ----------------- 1,000 acres ---------------- percent : Alabama ............: 680 680 690 101 Alaska .............: 20 20 21 105 Arizona ............: 335 345 315 91 Arkansas ...........: 1,093 1,162 1,150 99 California .........: 860 830 850 102 Colorado ...........: 1,140 1,220 1,370 112 Connecticut ........: 52 53 53 100 Delaware ...........: 11 12 11 92 Florida ............: 310 320 330 103 Georgia ............: 530 510 500 98 : Idaho ..............: 1,390 1,300 1,300 100 Illinois ...........: 490 410 470 115 Indiana ............: 520 530 550 104 Iowa ...............: 1,170 1,010 1,000 99 Kansas .............: 2,560 2,795 2,400 86 Kentucky ...........: 1,910 2,070 2,000 97 Louisiana ..........: 380 390 420 108 Maine ..............: 134 128 140 109 Maryland ...........: 215 205 215 105 Massachusetts ......: 60 54 65 120 : Michigan ...........: 770 780 780 100 Minnesota ..........: 1,190 1,070 1,170 109 Mississippi ........: 580 580 600 103 Missouri ...........: 3,210 3,855 3,150 82 Montana ............: 2,290 2,700 2,730 101 Nebraska ...........: 2,110 2,285 2,350 103 Nevada .............: 400 380 390 103 New Hampshire ......: 42 41 41 100 New Jersey .........: 109 97 105 108 New Mexico .........: 235 265 260 98 : New York ...........: 1,180 1,120 1,110 99 North Carolina .....: 646 657 650 99 North Dakota .......: 2,140 2,790 2,300 82 Ohio ...............: 810 810 815 101 Oklahoma ...........: 2,980 4,075 3,700 91 Oregon .............: 820 900 910 101 Pennsylvania .......: 1,310 1,200 1,200 100 Rhode Island .......: 7 6 6 100 South Carolina .....: 270 260 260 100 South Dakota .......: 2,920 2,955 3,000 102 : Tennessee ..........: 1,672 1,716 1,720 100 Texas ..............: 3,890 4,685 5,000 107 Utah ...............: 670 660 690 105 Vermont ............: 165 165 165 100 Virginia ...........: 1,000 1,155 1,120 97 Washington .........: 660 840 730 87 West Virginia ......: 565 610 630 103 Wisconsin ..........: 1,100 1,030 1,080 105 Wyoming ............: 1,110 1,090 1,050 96 : United States ......: 48,711 52,821 51,562 98 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Intended area harvested in 2024 as indicated by reports from farmers.
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