STAT Communications Ag Market News

European Dairy Market Summary

MADISON - Feb 4/16 - SNS -- Dairy market conditions in western and eastern Europe were reviewed in the latest report on the sector released by the USDA today.

Milk production in the EU remains strong and is expected to remain
strong this year, having bounced back from effects of winter storms
the third week of January. Eurostat reports that EU milk production
January-November, 2015, was up 2.2% from the same period of 2014.
November production was up 5.2% from November 2014. Ireland posted the
largest gain among EU countries, up 13% January-November and up 48.1%
in November. Cheese sales in the EU are brisk. That is helping to keep
inventories in balance. EU cheese production January-November, 2015,
was up 1.4% from the same period of 2014. November production was up
4.6% from November 2014. Among the top 5 producing countries, the
January-November changes were: Germany +0.9%; France -1.2%; Italy -
5.2%; Netherlands +8.8%; and Poland +3.5%.
EASTERN OVERVIEW: In Eastern Europe, January-November milk production
yielded the following percentage changes from the prior year: Bulgaria
-0.7%; Czech Republic +3.0%; Poland +2.3%; and Romania +9.1%.  Cheese
production for the period was: Bulgaria +3.9%; Czech Republic +2.7%;
Poland +3.5%; and Romania +6.6%.
0930c 608.557.7005
USDA/AMS/Dairy Market News, Madison, Wisconsin
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