STAT Communications Ag Market News

U.S. Forage Production in 2018

Forage Production
Forage production is the sum of all dry hay production and haylage/greenchop
production after converting the haylage/greenchop production to a dry
equivalent basis (13 percent moisture) by multiplying the green weight
(weight at harvest) by 0.4943. The conversion factor (0.4943) is based on the
assumption that one ton of dry hay is 0.87 ton of dry matter, one ton of
haylage is 0.45 ton dry matter and one ton of greenchop is 0.25 ton dry
matter. The total haylage/greenchop production is assumed to be comprised of
90 percent haylage and 10 percent greenchop. Therefore, the conversion factor
used to adjust haylage/greenchop production to a dry equivalent
basis = ((0.45*0.9)+(0.25*0.1))/0.87 = 0.4943. The factors assumed here may
vary by State and can be adjusted. Adjustments would result in a slightly
different conversion factor.
All Forage Area Harvested, Yield, and Production - States and 17 State
Total: 2016-2018
[All forage production is the sum of the following dry equivalents: alfalfa hay
harvested as dry hay, all other hay harvested as dry hay, alfalfa haylage and
greenchop, all other haylage and greenchop; after converting alfalfa and all
other haylage and greenchop to a dry equivalent basis]
                    :       Area harvested        :       Yield per acre
        State       :-----------------------------------------------------------
                    :  2016   :  2017   :  2018   :  2016   :  2017   :  2018
                    : ------- 1,000 acres ------     --------- tons ---------
California .........:  1,440     1,360     1,180     5.59      5.92      5.98
Idaho ..............:  1,385     1,495     1,380     4.26      3.74      4.00
Illinois ...........:    500       515       485     3.28      3.46      2.92
Iowa ...............:  1,010     1,120       995     3.71      3.23      3.31
Kansas .............:  2,700     2,565     2,460     2.47      2.32      2.09
Michigan ...........:  1,080     1,050     1,010     3.26      2.86      2.70
Minnesota ..........:  1,835     1,550     1,380     3.19      2.97      2.73
Missouri ...........:  2,920     3,060     3,170     2.17      2.02      1.81
Nebraska ...........:  2,400     2,535     2,730     2.44      2.42      2.59
New York ...........:  1,850     1,800     1,740     2.25      2.73      3.01
Ohio ...............:  1,025     1,060     1,035     2.73      2.72      2.66
Pennsylvania .......:  1,640     1,795     1,465     2.78      2.92      2.77
South Dakota .......:  3,110     3,020     3,330     1.83      1.60      1.83
Texas ..............:  4,716     4,655     4,845     2.60      2.20      1.84
Vermont ............:    310       290       295     2.72      3.47      3.76
Washington .........:    870       815       830     4.23      4.35      4.07
Wisconsin ..........:  2,400     2,170     2,210     3.59      3.52      2.93
17 State total .....: 31,191    30,855    30,540     2.89      2.76      2.61
                    :                        Production
        State       :-----------------------------------------------------------
                    :       2016        :       2017        :       2018
                    :                        1,000 tons
California .........:       8,053               8,052               7,053
Idaho ..............:       5,905               5,587               5,516
Illinois ...........:       1,640               1,783               1,417
Iowa ...............:       3,750               3,619               3,289
Kansas .............:       6,656               5,949               5,140
Michigan ...........:       3,518               3,006               2,729
Minnesota ..........:       5,852               4,597               3,763
Missouri ...........:       6,342               6,193               5,737
Nebraska ...........:       5,866               6,125               7,084
New York ...........:       4,165               4,913               5,233
Ohio ...............:       2,803               2,878               2,757
Pennsylvania .......:       4,556               5,242               4,065
South Dakota .......:       5,680               4,827               6,110
Texas ..............:      12,257              10,236               8,910
Vermont ............:         844               1,006               1,110
Washington .........:       3,679               3,542               3,382
Wisconsin ..........:       8,607               7,643               6,479
17 State total .....:      90,173              85,198              79,774
All Alfalfa Forage Area Harvested, Yield, and Production - States and 17 State
Total: 2016-2018
[All alfalfa forage production is the sum of alfalfa harvested as dry hay and
alfalfa haylage and greenchop production after converting it to a dry
equivalent basis]
                    :       Area harvested        :       Yield per acre
        State       :-----------------------------------------------------------
                    :  2016   :  2017   :  2018   :  2016   :  2017   :  2018
                    : ------- 1,000 acres ------     --------- tons ---------
California .........:    800       740       670     6.68      6.71      6.75
Idaho ..............:  1,030     1,090     1,080     4.90      4.18      4.43
Illinois ...........:    240       245       260     4.22      4.45      3.47
Iowa ...............:    620       770       655     4.38      3.67      3.84
Kansas .............:    720       585       620     4.35      3.72      3.54
Michigan ...........:    830       780       780     3.64      3.23      2.94
Minnesota ..........:  1,285     1,040       850     3.67      3.52      3.13
Missouri ...........:    240       310       290     3.31      2.51      2.68
Nebraska ...........:    790       870       870     4.20      3.98      4.26
New York ...........:    650       700       650     3.16      3.73      3.95
Ohio ...............:    405       410       390     3.69      3.60      3.66
Pennsylvania .......:    540       645       465     3.71      3.59      3.65
South Dakota .......:  1,740     1,580     1,800     2.05      1.78      2.21
Texas ..............:    136       125       145     5.24      4.47      5.52
Vermont ............:     50        50        45     5.06      4.24      4.27
Washington .........:    440       425       355     5.33      5.32      4.72
Wisconsin ..........:  1,950     1,700     1,590     3.80      3.83      3.29
17 State total .....: 12,466    12,065    11,515     3.92      3.71      3.64
                    :                        Production
        State       :-----------------------------------------------------------
                    :       2016        :       2017        :       2018
                    :                        1,000 tons
California .........:       5,346               4,968               4,523
Idaho ..............:       5,043               4,561               4,788
Illinois ...........:       1,012               1,090                 902
Iowa ...............:       2,714               2,828               2,514
Kansas .............:       3,129               2,176               2,194
Michigan ...........:       3,020               2,523               2,290
Minnesota ..........:       4,715               3,665               2,657
Missouri ...........:         795                 779                 778
Nebraska ...........:       3,318               3,463               3,704
New York ...........:       2,055               2,611               2,566
Ohio ...............:       1,495               1,476               1,428
Pennsylvania .......:       2,002               2,316               1,698
South Dakota .......:       3,566               2,807               3,985
Texas ..............:         713                 559                 801
Vermont ............:         253                 212                 192
Washington .........:       2,345               2,263               1,676
Wisconsin ..........:       7,406               6,519               5,239
17 State total .....:      48,927              44,816              41,935
All Other Forage Area Harvested, Yield, and Production - States and 17 State
Total: 2016-2018
[All other forage production is the sum of other harvested as dry hay and other
haylage and greenchop production after converting it to a dry equivalent basis]
                    :       Area harvested        :       Yield per acre
        State       :-----------------------------------------------------------
                    :  2016   :  2017   :  2018   :  2016   :  2017   :  2018
                    : ------- 1,000 acres ------     --------- tons ---------
California .........:    640       620       510     4.23      4.97      4.96
Idaho ..............:    355       405       300     2.43      2.53      2.43
Illinois ...........:    260       270       225     2.42      2.57      2.29
Iowa ...............:    390       350       340     2.66      2.26      2.28
Kansas .............:  1,980     1,980     1,840     1.78      1.91      1.60
Michigan ...........:    250       270       230     1.99      1.79      1.91
Minnesota ..........:    550       510       530     2.07      1.83      2.09
Missouri ...........:  2,680     2,750     2,880     2.07      1.97      1.72
Nebraska ...........:  1,610     1,665     1,860     1.58      1.60      1.82
New York ...........:  1,200     1,100     1,090     1.76      2.09      2.45
Ohio ...............:    620       650       645     2.11      2.16      2.06
Pennsylvania .......:  1,100     1,150     1,000     2.32      2.54      2.37
South Dakota .......:  1,370     1,440     1,530     1.54      1.40      1.39
Texas ..............:  4,580     4,530     4,700     2.52      2.14      1.73
Vermont ............:    260       240       250     2.27      3.31      3.67
Washington .........:    430       390       475     3.10      3.28      3.59
Wisconsin ..........:    450       470       620     2.67      2.39      2.00
17 State total .....: 18,725    18,790    19,025     2.20      2.15      1.99
                    :                        Production
        State       :-----------------------------------------------------------
                    :       2016        :       2017        :       2018
                    :                        1,000 tons
California .........:       2,707               3,084               2,530
Idaho ..............:         862               1,026                 728
Illinois ...........:         628                 693                 515
Iowa ...............:       1,036                 791                 775
Kansas .............:       3,527               3,773               2,946
Michigan ...........:         498                 483                 439
Minnesota ..........:       1,137                 932               1,106
Missouri ...........:       5,547               5,414               4,959
Nebraska ...........:       2,548               2,662               3,380
New York ...........:       2,110               2,302               2,667
Ohio ...............:       1,308               1,402               1,329
Pennsylvania .......:       2,554               2,926               2,367
South Dakota .......:       2,114               2,020               2,125
Texas ..............:      11,544               9,677               8,109
Vermont ............:         591                 794                 918
Washington .........:       1,334               1,279               1,706
Wisconsin ..........:       1,201               1,124               1,240
17 State total .....:      41,246              40,382              37,839

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